Reports Library

The Reports Library holds additional reports that are available to iPost users.  These reports provide you with additional information or additional reporting metrics dependent on your various needs.  

All reports in the library are configurable with default and optional reports metrics. Some of the reports are able to be run across sub-clients accounts.  Please note that this functionality is only available in the parent account.

The reports in the Reports Library can be run as one-off reports or can be run via a Report Export activity in a Process Automation to have them sent on a reoccurring schedule.

Reports Library Manager

The Reports Library manager provides a list of all reports that are in progress or completed.  From the manager, you can create or review reports.

  1. Create New Report allows you to select the report you would like to generate.
  2. Generate New Report will you to configure the select report.
  3. The name of the report is automatically created base don the report selected and the date and time the report was generated on.
  4. Status provides the current status of the report
  5. Actions allows you to export or delete the report.

To view a view a newly generated or past report, click on the report name.

Once generated, the reports are only available in the Reports Library for a period of 30 days.


Email Engagement Report

The Email Engagement Report allows you to view the response to an email over a period of time relative to when the mailing was sent.  The report runs on a specific email and provides a count of the various reporting metrics over time.

The Email Engagement Report consists of multiple tabs that provide the response rate by a specific report metric.  You can access the different report metrics by clicking on the tabs.

Reporting Tab Description
Summary Response by all reporting metrics for reporting interval.  The gray column is a cumulative total of emails sent for all intervals to that point.
Delivered The number of delivered emails by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Bounced The number of bounced emails by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Unique Opens The number of unique opens by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Unique Clicks The number of unique clicks during the reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Conversions The number of conversions during the reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Complaints The number of complaints during the reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Unsubscribe The number of unsubscribes during the reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.

Configuring an Email Engagement Report

To configure an Email Engagement Report, follow these steps:

  1. Select an Email
  2. Select the time interval to Report Over
    1. Fixed Time Period allows you to select a specific start and end date for the reporting interval
    2. Time Period Relative to Last Send Time allows you to select a reporting interval relative to the last send.
  3. Select the Reporting Interval 
  4. Click Run

The report will run in the background and the status of the report will update to Complete when it is ready.  To view the report, click on the name of the report.  If you prefer to export the report, use the Actions menu in the manager and the report will export in Excel.

Consolidated Delivery Report

The Consolidated Delivery Report (CDR) contains delivery and response metrics for all Email Tickets within your account over a configurable period of time.  All reporting data relates to the sends that occurred during the defined date range. This report may also be run across sub-client in order to produce one comprehensive report at the client level.

The CDR consists of default and optional reporting metrics.

Metric Default/Optional Description
Client Default
The name of the client that the journey was sent from. This field will only render if the report is run across sub-clients.
Email Name Default
The name of the sent email.
Subject Default The subject of the email send.
Mailing Date/Time Default
The date and time of the email send.
Sent Default
The total number of emails sent.
Bounced Default
The number of emails that bounced.
Bounced Rate Default
The percentage of bounces by contact.
Delivered Default
The total number of emails delivered.
Delivered Rate Default
The percentage of emails that were delivered.
Unique Opens Default
The number of unique opens.
Unique Open Rate Default
The percentage of opens by contact.
Total Opens Optional The total number of opens.
Unique Click Default
The number of unique clicks.
Unique Click Rate Default
The percentage of clicks by contact.
Total Clicks Optional The total number of clicks.
Click to Open Rate Optional
The percentage of clicks compared to opens.
Optouts Default The total number of optouts.
Optout Rate Default
The percentage of of contacts that have opted out using the native opt out link.
The total number of conversions.
Conversion Rate Optional The percentage of conversions by contact.
Total Revenue Optional The total revenue for the conversions
Average Order Value Optional The average order value for the conversions from the sent

Configuring a Consolidated Delivery Report

To configure a CDR, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Optional Metrics to be output with the report
  2. Check the box for Include Subclients if running the report across all clients. 
  3. Select the Time Period for the report
  4. Click Run

The report will run in the background and the status of the report will update to Complete when it is ready.  To view the report, click on the name of the report.  If you prefer to export the report, use the Actions menu in the manager and the report will export in Excel.

Consolidated Journey Report

The Consolidated Journey Report contains reporting metrics for all  journeys within your account over a configurable period of time.  All reporting data relates to the sends that occurred during the defined date range. This report can also be run across sub-clients in order to produce one comprehensive report of all journeys at the client level.  

The Consolidated Journey Report consists of default and optional reporting metrics.

Metric Default/Optional Description 
Client Name Default The name of the client that the journey was sent from. This field will only render if the report is run across sub-clients.
Journey Name
The name of the journey
Email Name Default The name of the email activities in the journey
Subject Default The subject of the email send.
Sent Default The total number of emails sent.
Bounced Optional The number of emails that bounced.
Bounced Rate Optional
The percentage of bounces by contact.
Delivered Optional
The total number of emails delivered.
Delivered Rate Optional The percentage of emails that were delivered.
Unique Opens Optional
The number of unique opens.
Unique Open Rate Optional
The percentage of opens by contact.
Total Opens Optional
The total number of opens.
Unique Click Optional
The number of unique clicks.
Unique Click Rate Optional
The percentage of clicks by contact.
Total Clicks Optional The total number of clicks.
Click to Open Rate Optional
The percentage of clicks compared to opens.
The total number of optouts.
Optout Rates Optional
The percentage of of contacts that have opted out using the native opt out link.
Conversions Optional The total number of conversions.
Conversion Rate Optional
The percentage of conversions by contact.
Total Revenue
The total revenue for the conversions
Average Order Value
The average order value for the conversions from the sent

Configuring a Consolidated Journey Report

To configure a journey report, follow these steps

  1. Select the Optional Metrics to be output with the report
  2. Check the box for Include Subclients if running the report across all clients. 
  3. Select the Time Period for the report
  4. Click Run

The report will run in the background and the status of the report will update to Complete when it is ready.  To view the report, click on the name of the report.  If you prefer to export the report, use the Actions menu in the manager and the report will export in Excel.

Audience Performance Over Time

The Audience Performance Over Time allows you to view the performance of the selected audiences compared to the reporting for the send as a whole over a specific timeframe. The report allows you to track how your individual audiences are performing in order to gauge the engagement by audience. Once run, you can then take action on these metrics in the following ways:

  • Identify key audiences to test messaging/offers/content into etc.
  • Identify performance gaps for your most to least important audiences for planning
  • Identify any potential programmatic metrics that will negatively affect engagement
  • Proactively manage deliverability issues
  • Identify any data quality issues 

Please note that this report is available for list based audiences only.

Configuring an Audience Performance Over Time Report

To configure the Audience Performance Over Time report, please follow these steps.

  1. Select the Optional Metrics to be output with the report.
  2. Select the List(s) that will be used in the report
  3. Select the Time Period for the report
  4. Click Run

The report will run in the background and the status of the report will update to Complete when it is ready.  To view the report, click on the name of the report.  If you prefer to export the report, use the Actions menu in the manager and the report will export in Excel.

Growth/Churn Report

Churn (often expressed as "churn rate") is the loss of existing subscribers over time. Along with list size and opt out rate, churn rate is a useful tool for measuring list health, particularly subscriber attrition versus subscriber acquisition.

In general, the lowest possible churn rate is the most desirable. A high churn rate coupled with a steady list size indicates that a sizeable proportion of the list is being lost and replaced with new subscribers over time. Reducing your churn rate means you're doing a better job of keeping your current subscribers.

For example, a 100% churn rate would indicate that every former subscriber was lost. A 0% churn rate would indicate that no subscribers were lost. A 50% churn rate would indicate that half of the prior subscribers were lost.

This report depicts growth and churn by measuring your subscriber outreach as compared to your subscriber loss.  That means the growth baseline is subscribers to whom you have sent at least one email message, and those subscribers are lost when they subsequently become opted out (including bouncing out, reporting spam, etc.).

Reporting Tab Description
Summary The raw numbers used to calculate graphs found in other tabs.  See Understanding the Data below.
Subscribed Count The number of new subscribed contacts by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Churned Count The number of opted out contacts by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph
Balance The number of total current subscriber count by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph.
Growth Rate The percentage of growth by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph
Churn Rate The percentage of churn by reporting interval. Data is rendered in a line graph

Understanding the Data

The columns in the Summary tab are as follows.


The count of new email addresses that were sent a message for each time period (month or week) as subscribers.

Churned Count

The count of email addresses that were lost, that is, added to the opt-out list. This includes all addresses unsubscribed, bounced out, unconfirmed, etc. 


The total current subscriber baseline. Determined by first adding the previous period Balance and the Newly Subscribed Count, then subtracting this period Churned Count.

Growth Rate

The percentage of growth since the previous period balance. Determined by dividing this period Growth Count by the previous period Balance.

Churn Rate

The percentage of subscribers lost since the previous period balance. Determined by dividing this period Churn by the previous period Balance.

Configuring a Growth/Churn Report

To configure the Audience Performance Over Time report, please follow these steps. 

  1. Select the Report Interval
    1. Weekly will report on the growth/churn rate by week for the reporting interval
    2. Monthly will report on the growth/churn rate by month for the reporting interval
  2. Select the time period that the report will be run on in Report Over
    1. All Time will run the report from the time the client was provisioned to the current date
    2. Custom Time Interval will run the report over a custom time interval of your choosing