Delivery Management

In this article, you'll learn about:

Delivery Settings

Delivery management defines the delivery behavior of your mailings. These settings apply to all mailings sent from iPost Enterprise.

Undeliverable Addresses

The table below lists the Undeliverable Address settings with their descriptions.

Remove undeliverable addresses from email lists after
This setting controls the number of mailings attempted before a hard-bounced address is permanently opted-out from your list. By default, iPost sets this to two hard bounces.
When spam filtering is indicated This option lets you decide how to handle bounces that come back categorized as spam filtering.  You can choose not to remove them, let them process through the normal bounce out process, or remove them immediately.
Opt-out Reports URI Assigns a URI (either http, https, or mailto) to which updates to your opt-out list are transmitted at a designated interval. The format is a text file of email addresses only, with one address per line. For http and https URIs, a POST transaction is performed. For mailto URIs, the addresses are sent as the body of the email (not as an attached document). Only those addresses which have become opted out since the last update are transmitted. Topic changes and changes due to other dynamic list criteria are not included.
Send reports every Select the frequency in which you would like to receive the Opt-Out Report.

Domain Priority

You can set domain priority by entering the domain in this field (i.e. Delivery to these domains begins before any other messages are sent. The messages to these addresses are sent as rapidly as possible. Attempts are made to deliver larger numbers of messages on each SMTP connection.

iPost reserves the right to limit or block delivery (even to domains in the high priority set) when required to do so by the administrators of the domain. Domains are automatically removed from the high priority set whenever they appear in the limited or restricted sets below.

Multiple domains may be entered by selecting enter on your keyboard after each entry.

Limited Domains

Domains listed within the Limited Domains field are sent in smaller groups and at randomized intervals. They may be prioritized behind messages to domains that do not appear in these sets, or otherwise delivered at a reduced rate as deemed necessary by iPost.

Domains that appear in the restricted set below are automatically removed from the limited set.

Restricted Domains

Contact addresses that have domains listed in this set are removed from the list of deliveries exactly as if they were on the opt-out list. Otherwise, they are not considered to be opt-outs and do not download with the opt-out lists. However, delivery to these domains is blocked.

Default Values for Sending E-mails

iPost allows you to set default email properties. Prepopulate email property values with defaults to save time and improve consistency. These settings can be modified when creating your email.

Character Set
This option allows you to select the type of email encoding you would like to use. The encoding plays a major role in the way an email will be displayed, especially with respect to special characters in non-Latin languages.

Language types:
  • UTF-8
  • US English (ASCII)
  • Western Europe
  • Central Europe
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Korean
  • Japanese
Automated Subject testing options
Measurement Interval
This is the amount of time the system will wait before automatically sending the better performing version to the remainder of your contacts.
The best version is determined by response rate, which is combined open and click performance.

Split test size
Select the percentage of your audience that you would like to send A/B subject line tests to. The system randomly selects which subscribers receive the test subject lines
Email Frequency
Allows you to suppress sending to the contacts who have received an email from you in the previous x number of days.
Headers are inserted at the top of your email. Select the value to determine the default header information for your emails:

  • Default Header – System-default header.
  • None - Use no header.
  • Custom Header - Use stored content as the header. Select the stored content to use if you choose this value.
Footers are inserted at the end of your email. Select the value to determine the default footer information for your emails:

  • Default Footer - System-default footer.
  • None - Use no footer.
  • Custom Footer - Use stored content as the footer. Select the stored content to use if you choose this value.

Suppression For Sending

By selecting a list and/or data table, you can default them as suppression lists and/or data tables in every email send.  You can select both Email Suppression List(s)/Data Table(s) or Mobile Suppression List(s)/Data Table(s) as default options. The Mobile options will only render if the Mobile Sending is enabled on your client.

To select a list and/or data table for suppression follow these steps.

  1. Click on the appropriate suppression box.
  2. Locate the list(s) and/or data table(s) that will be used in the folder tree or by using the search box
  3. Click on the list(s) and/or data table(s) to select it for suppression.

Advanced Options

Advanced Options provides the ability to set a throttle default for all email sends.  The default is to send all messages as soon as possible after the email starts sending.  To set a throttle for all sends follow these steps.

  1. Select the option to set a throttle
  2. Enter the number of messages that should be sent
  3. Enter the number of hours that those messages should be sent over
  4. Save the changes

Notification Journeys

Notification Journeys allows you to enable the system journeys in your client. By default, these journeys are disabled. More information on Notification Journeys can be found here.

Role Address Suppressions

Role email addresses are generic email addresses that are normally assigned to a mailing list or position rather than an individual contact. iPost suppresses most Role Addresses from email sends by default.

The Role Address Suppressions option allows you to decide if you want to suppress some or all of the role addresses. You can choose to send to a Role Address by deselecting the box next to that address.

Sender Domains

The Sender Domain Manager allows you to create templates for send information that you can reuse across multiple sends without requiring selection each time. These are alternate configurations for the Default Values For Emails defined on the Client settings page.

To create a new Sender Domain, click the Add New Domain button and the New Sender Domain window will appear. Click Save once you have completed filling out the form information.

Saved Sender Domains will appear in the Sender Domain drop down menu and can be selected when configuring your email sends.

Name The name of your Sender Domain. The name is what you and other users see in your Sender Domain Manager and the Sender Domain setting when configuring your email send.
(Sub) Domain The (sub)domain delegated to the iPost name servers e.g. Another option is using a CNAME as not all host providers support (sub)domain delegation. If you plan to use a CNAME, you'll need to contact iPost Client Services to obtain an iPost domain to associate with the CNAME.
From Name The From Name is what contacts see in their inbox. It lets the contact know who is sending the message. You need to choose a name that will be recognizable to your contacts.
From Address The From Address is what contacts see in their inbox. Enter the name of the mailbox in this field. The subdomain will pre-populate based on the (Sub) Domain) field.
Reply Forwarding Address The email address that email replies will be forwarded to automatically by iPost after being cleansed and processed by the Inbound Message Filter. You may use any email address located at any domain for this e.g. [email protected].
Sender Postal Address The postal address of the brand or company sending the email. If a postal address is present in this field it will be used for all mailings sent with the Sender Domain.  If no email address is present, the default postal address for the account will be used in the mailing.
IP Address This option allows you to specify the IP address to use. If left unselected, iPost will automatically apply the account IP configurations to the send.