Subscriber Overview

In this article, you will learn about each of the Subscriber Overview reports:

Subscriber Metrics

How to Download the Report

  1. Click the Reports menu item in the left-hand navigation bar. 
  2. Next, click Subscriber Overview.
  3. Click the Download button for Subscriber Metrics.

Understanding the Data

  • Total Subscribed
    The number of email addresses that were opted in and eligible for mailing as of the indicated date. This is your total available list size exclusive of opt-outs.
  • Unsubscribed
    The number of addresses that were opted out and therefore ineligible for mailing as of the indicated date as a result of interactions with your regular subscribe/unsubscribe mechanisms (preferences web forms, email, etc.)
  • Reported Spam
    The number of addresses that were opted out because of a spam complaint submitted through their ISP or a third-party anti-spam service such as SpamCop.
  • Bounced
    The number of addresses removed from your list due to repeated failure of delivery attempts.
  • Total Opted-Out
    The total number of unsubscribed email addresses. This is the total of all unsubscribes, spam reports and bounce outs.


How to Download the Report

  1. Click the Reports menu item in the left-hand navigation bar. 
  2. Next, click Subscriber Overview.
  3. Click the Download button for Opt-outs.

Understanding the Data

When you download an opt-out list, you will save a text file listing the email address of every recipient who asked not to receive any future mailings from your company. The addresses included on this opt-out list will not receive any future mailings from your company through the system. To protect your company's image and comply with industry regulation, you must remove any additional opt-out addresses from your mailing list before your next mailing is launched.


How to Download the Report

  1. Click the Reports menu item in the left-hand navigation bar. 
  2. Next, click Subscriber Overview.
  3. Click the Download button for Bounces.

Understanding the Data

When you download a bounced address list, you will save a text file listing the email addresses for which delivery could not be completed. This list does not include soft bounces (valid addresses which have a temporary delivery problem), but rather is composed of hard bounces (invalid email addresses). It is highly recommended that all bounced addresses are removed from your mailing list before the next mailing cycle is launched in order to keep your list current and lower mailing costs.