Contacts Overview

A Contact is a person you have sent an email to or have added to a list.

Contacts are stored on lists, while information about the contact is stored within database data fields. Saved contact information can be used in your emails. It can also be used to create dynamic lists. All contacts must have an email address.

There are several ways a contact can be added to the system:

  • Manually
  • API
  • Generic Form Handler
  • Import

Contact Subscription Status

Every contact will have a status. iPost uses the contact status to determine if emails can be sent to a certain contact. In iPost, contacts can have two statuses:

A contact who is considered mailable because they have not unsubscribed or bounced-out.
A contact will have an Opt-out status if any of the following occur:

  • A contact has requested that you stop sending emails to them.
  • Addresses that hard bounce may be considered bounced-out addresses and emails will not be sent to them again.

Global Email Status

A Global Email Status Opt-out occurs when a contact has unsubscribed from all emails.

List Status

A List Status Opt-out occurs when a contact unsubscribes from a list only.