All Contacts

All Contacts is the master list of contacts that resides in your account.  A contact is automatically added to the All Contacts list if they have been mailed to or added to an individual list.  When utilizing Lists, the contact is added to All Contacts at the time of import. When utilizing Data Tables, the contact is added at the time of send. 

If using the iPost subscription form, All Contacts is also the database of records for global opt-in/out status. If a contact has a global status of Opt-In, they are able to receive mail; however, in cases where the contact has opted out of a specific list(s), they will not receive mail. If a contact has a global status of Opt-Out, then they are no longer available to receive mail.

When viewing the All Contacts list, you will see the contacts for your account, the global status, and all attribute data associated with the contact. 


The attributes available in your account are a combination of iPost system database fields and your client specific database fields.  Please see Database for more information.


To see details on a specific contact, click on the email address for the client and it will open a new window with that contact’s information.

  • On the Member Information tab, you can edit any of the attribute information for that contact.
  • On the List Membership tab, you can see all the lists associated with the contact.  You also have the option to add the contact to a new list, remove the contact from a current list, or to change the list membership status.
  • On the Custom Table Membership tab, you can see any data table associated with the contact.
  • On the History tab, you can see the date the contact was added to iPost and the email history for the contact. The email history consists of emails that have been sent to the contact, along with any other previous actions.

All Contacts Functionality

Within the All Contacts list, there are various functions available that will allow you to add or export contacts, as well as search for specific contacts.

Add Contact

Add Contact allows you to add a single contact to All Contacts.  The only attribute required when adding a contact is an email address. To add a contact, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Add Contact icon.
  2. On the Add Contact page, enter the email address for that contact.
  3. If needed, add other data values to any of the attribute fields.
  4. Click Add Contact when done.

Import Contacts

Import Contacts allows you to import a list of contacts to All Contacts.  The uploaded file must be in CSV format and the file size must not exceed 19.5MB. When importing contacts, the email address is a required field.

When importing contacts, you will have the choice of importing New Contacts or Opt-out Contacts.

Importing New Contacts will either add new contacts to your list or update any contacts that already exist on All Contacts. To import New Contacts, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Import Contacts icon.
  2. Select the type of import that is being performed
    • Use Import data values or leave unspecified will import new contacts for both Email and Mobile
    • Opt-out every contact will import the contacts with a global status of opt-out for both Email and Mobile to All Contacts or update any existing contact to a global status of opt-out.
  3. Click within the File Name field to browse for the list that will be uploaded.
  4. Select the Delimiter of the data file that will be imported.
  5. Select the Contact Operation for the import.
    • Only update existing contacts will only update contacts that are also found in the data file. New contacts will be rejected.
    •  Add only new contacts will only add new contacts found in the data file that current are not part of All Contacts.
    • Add new & update existing contacts will update contacts currently in All Contacts and add any new contacts. This is the default behavior for imports.
  6. If you would like to receive an import summary, check the box next to Send a Data Upload Summary Report and enter your email address in the email box.
  7. Click the Import button.
  8. On the Map Member page, map the fields from the outside list to the available attributes. If you do not want to import a specific field, then select the Ignore This Column option.  The only required field for an upload is the email address field.
  9. Once the mapping is complete, click Finish Upload.


Export allows you to export the contacts in All Contacts. When exporting contacts, you have three options:

  • Download Bounced Contacts
  • Download Opted-out Contacts
  • Download Lists and Contact Data

Download Bounced Contacts

Download Bounced Contacts allow you to download those contacts that have bounced out.  To download bounced contacts, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. On the Export Contacts page, select the Download Bounce Contacts export type.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Email Address Selection, choose whether you would like to download all bounces or only those bounces from a specific date range.  By default, all bounces is selected.
  5. In the Bounce Detail Selection, select the options you would like appended to the email address.
  6. Select any additional attributes you would like exported with the contact’s email address.
  7. Select if you would like any Subscription Status field exported.
  8. Select any Subscription Topics you would like exported.
  9. Select the File Options.
  10. Click Export after your selections are completed.

Download Opted-out Contacts

Download opted-out contacts allows you to export contacts with a global status of opt-out.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. On the Export Contacts page, select the Download Opted-out Contacts export type.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Email Address Selection, select whether you would like to download all opt-outs or only those opt-outs that occurred in a specific date range.  By default, all opt-outs is selected.
  5. In the Opt-Out Data Selection, select the type of opt-outs you would like to export.
    • Downloading only unsubscribes will export those contacts who have opted out.
    • Downloading only bounce-outs will export those contacts whose statuses were changed to opt-out due to exceeding the max number of hard bounces for your account.
    • Downloading both unsubscribes and bounce-outs will export both options.
  6. Select any additional attributes you would like exported with the contact’s email address.
  7. Select if you would like any Subscription Status field exported.
  8. Select any Subscription Topics you would like exported.
  9. Select the File Options.
  10. Click Export after your selections are completed.

Download Lists and Contact Data

Download Lists and Contact Data allows you to export all contacts or just those contacts associated with specific lists.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. On the Export Contacts page, select Download Lists and Contact Data.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Email Address Selection, select if you would like to Download All Contacts or only those contacts associated with specific lists.
  5. Choose if you would like to exclude opted out contacts in your export. By default, this option is checked.
  6. Select any additional attributes you would like exported with the contact’s email address.
  7. Select if you would like any Subscription Status field exported.
  8. Select any Subscription Topics you would like exported.
  9. Select the File Options.
  10. Click Export after your selections are completed.

Search allows you to search for a contact.  To search for a contact, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. The search filter will appear below the blue bar.
  3. Select the attributes you would like to search with. This field is populated with Email Address by default.
  4. Enter the text you would like to search.
  5. Search for changed addresses allows you to search on those addresses that have recently been changed via the native subscription center.  This is not enabled by default.
  6. Perform fuzzy matching allows you to search on a partial value contained within a field. This is not enabled by default.
  7. Click on Search to complete your search.

Once your search is completed, the results of the search will appear in the contact list. To view the details for a specific contact, click on the contact’s email address.