Help Documentation

SMS Snippets

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SMS Snippets are standardized and reusable pieces of content that can be inserted into your SMS or MMS messages. SMS Snippets are created independently from Mobile content in the SMS Snippets menu item under Mobile

Creating a SMS Snippet

  1. Click SMS Snippet under the Mobile menu item in the left side navigation.
  2. Enter the SMS Snippet name in the Create New SMS Snippet field.
  3. Click Create to access the SMS Snippet Properties page.
  4. Click the Continue button to begin creating your SMS Snippet.
  5. Click Save when you have completed your work.


The table below lists the Snippet configuration properties with their descriptions.

Field Description
Name This is the name of the  SMS Snippet. The SMS Snippet name is what you and other users see in your Snippets folder.
Folder Location This field shows the folder in which the SMS Snippet is stored. To change the folder the snippet is stored in, click the Select Folder button and choose a different folder.

SMS Snippet Content

The Content step is where you will build your SMS Snippet. 

The Mobile message editor allows you to paste in your content or to create it in the UI. Our Mobile content supports personalization and iPost Coupon Codes. A character count is found at the bottom of the editor.

Content Panel

The Content Panel is located to the right of the Mobile message editor workspace.

The table below lists the tools found in the Content Panel with their descriptions.

Insert Snippet Use a stored  SMS snippet. Place the cursor in the section of the content you want to insert your stored SMS Snippet. Then, click on SELECT to add the SMS Snippet content.

Personalize Panel

The Personalize Panel is located to the right of the Mobile Message editor  workspace.  Drag & Drop database fields into your content to personalize your snippet.

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