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The iPost Dashboard provides visual metrics regarding your email marketing programs. It consists of year-to-date (YTD), over time, and aggregated reporting for components such as list growth, engagement, and conversion data.

YTD Totals

YTD Total metrics provide a high level overview of your sending practices over the course of the calendar year.

Total Revenue Total Revenue based on conversion tracking data. This information is only shown if Web Tracking is enabled.
Average Order The amount of the average order based on conversion tracking data. This information is only shown if Web Tracking is enabled.
Total Conversions Total number of conversion based on conversion tracking data. This information is only shown if Web Tracking is enabled.
Conversion Rate The conversion rate based on conversion tracking data. This information is only shown if Web Tracking is enabled.
Send Volume The total send volume for the calendar year. Each bar is representative of a calendar month.
List Growth The list growth for the calendar year. Each bar is representative of a calendar month.
Delivery Rate The delivery rate by month. Each bar is representative of a calendar month.  The delivery rate percentage is the percentage of people who received an email to date for the calendar year.

Reach Performance (last 30-day period)

Reach Performance metrics provide insight on the behavior of your contacts as they interact with your email sends.  For each performance metric, a contact’s interaction with the email send is only counted once over the 30-day period.

Reach Delivery Rate The percentage of people who received an email within the last 30 days. This is the percentage of emails sent compared to bounce messages received.
Reach Open Rate The percentage of unique opens within the last 30 days. This is the ratio of emails opened to emails delivered.
Reach Click Rate The percentage of unique clicks within the last 30 days. This is the ratio of unique clicks to unique delivered.
Reach Conversion Rate The conversion rate over the 30 day period. This metric also includes the total number of conversions.
Bounces The percentage of subscribers who did not receive an email due to bounce. The ratio of bounced messages to emails sent.
Unsubscribed The percentage of subscribers who clicked the iPost opt-out link in the email.
Complaints The percentage of subscribers who reported the email as being unsolicited with their mail client.


The Dashboard contains a weekly view of the Calendar. The calendar will display any email sends that are pending, scheduled, or sent. For more information, please visit the Calendar article.

Engagement Metrics

The Engagement Metrics provides a visual understanding of how contacts are engaging with your emails. The Engagement Metric reports look at all contacts who have opened an email message and any action they may have taken.

Engagement by Email Clients
This displays the type of email client by percentage being used by your contacts.

Email Engagement Over Time
This report provides a look at how your subscribers are engaging with your emails over time. The graph provides a daily aggregate total for each of the engagement metrics.

Engagement by Device
This report looks at the number of contacts viewing emails on a desktop or a mobile device.  These percentages are calculated by the number of clicks/opens per device divided by the total number of clicks/opens.

All Contacts List Growth

This report provides information on the changes to the All Contacts list over the last 90 days.

New Contacts
Total new contacts added to the All Contacts list during that month.

Total number of contacts that opted out during that month.

The total number of contacts that bounced out during that month.

The number of contacts that were opted out as a result of a spam complaint submitted through their ISP or a third-party anti-spam service.

Active Contacts
The Active Contacts count is the total number of contacts, excluding those that have opted out. The Active Contacts percentage is displayed in comparison with the previous month and can therefore result in a negative percentage.

Send Volume Over Time

This report provides a send volume by month over a 24 month period. Each point on the graph provides the total send volume for that particular month.

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