Help Documentation


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The iPost Calendar provides a view of all emails that are sent or scheduled for the day, week, or month, as well as providing the ability to create events specific to your account.  From within the Calendar, email tickets for sends or automations for pending sends are accessible. 

Accessing the Calendar

The Calendar can be accessed via the Dashboard or from the Calendar option in the left side navigation.


When viewing the Calendar from the Dashboard, by default, all items for the current week will display. 

  1. The left and right arrows allow you to change the week displayed.
  2. The today button will return to the current day.
  3. The Calendar provides a count of each category listed for a day. Clicking on an icon will provide more details for each category. The detailed view provides access to automations for pending sends or the email tickets for sent messages.


Viewing the Calendar from the left-hand side navigation provides a more comprehensive view at your account activity. The Calendar will display everything for the current month by default.

  1. The left and right arrows allow you to change the month displayed. The today button will return to the current day.
  2. Add Custom Event allows you to add an event to your calendar.
  3. The timeframe drop down allows you to change the timeframe displayed in the Calendar. You can change the display to view the calendar by day, week, or month.
  4. The Events legend defines the available icons on the calendar.
  5. The Calendar provides a count of each category listed for a day. Clicking on an icon will provide more details for each category. Accessing email tickets and automations can be done from the detailed view.
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