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Personalization can be added to any email content by utilizing the iPost Scripting Language (iTL).  iTL can also be used to insert dynamic content, conditional formatting, or scripting.  Personalization can be achieved by using an iTL macro to insert a data field, such as contact name, into an email.  iTL can be used within the body of the email, the subject line, the preheader, or appended to URLs. 


iTL macros are formatted by adding the data field name between '{\var:' and '}'.  For example, first name would become {\var:first_name}.  Please be aware that iTL is case-sensitive, so ensure that the field name is exactly as it appears in the platform.

If a contact does not have a value present in the data field, the iTL will render nothing in the live email send.  To ensure that a value renders for all contacts, be sure to define a default value when using iTL.  To define the default value, place it after the field name in the iTL macro.   If we refer to our previous example, we can define the default value for first name as customer like this: {\var:first_name Customer}.

iTL macros can be added to URLs, in order to pass field values as parameters.  To add iTL to URLs, simply add the macro with a corresponding parameter to the end of the URL.  See the example below: {\var:first_name}&email={\recipient_addr}

Commonly Used iTL Macros

iTL Marco
Business Name
Current Year
{\strftime \format=%Y}
{\strftime \format=%m/%d/%Y}
Forward to a Friend
Opt Out
One Click Opt Out {\opt_out_oneclick}
Postal Address
{\sender_postal_addr \format=text}
Recipient Email
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