Help Documentation

Dynamic Lists

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A dynamic list allows you to generate a subset of contacts created from a rules-based filter logic. The list will continually update with contacts that meet the filter criteria upon refresh or when sending to the  specific dynamic list.

How to Create a Dynamic List

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Lists.
  2. Enter your list name in the Create New List text area.
  3. Select Dynamic List for the content type and click Create.
  4. Enter an optional description for your list.
  5. Select the folder location to store your list if you desire a different location than your default folder.
  6. Refresh List on Sending will be enabled by default. This option will refresh the list at the time of send, guaranteeing the most recent subset of contacts. If you do not wish to refresh your list upon send, uncheck this option.
  7. Click Continue to save the dynamic list and move to the filter step.


The Properties page provides the information entered at the time the list was created.

The name of your dynamic list.
Description The description given to your dynamic list. This can be defined during the list creation process or updated any time after the list is created.
Folder Location The folder name of where the list resides.
Refresh List on Sending This allows you to decide if you would like to have the list refreshed at the time of send. If you do not wish to have the list refreshed, uncheck this option.
Content Type The defined list type.
Created Date The date the list was created.
Created By The user who created the list.
Modified Date The date the list was last modified.
Modified By The user who last modified the list.
Last Use The date the list was last used in an email send.
Total Members The total contact count for the list.
View History A history of the list, including when it was used in email sends.
Dynamically Adding Contacts

To configure your dynamic filter, click on the green gear icon.

Source Addresses

Allows you to select the list(s) that the filter logic will run against in order to populate your list. The All Contacts list is used by default, however, a specific source list(s) can be selected. To select a source list, follow the steps below:

  1. Click into the list selector box.
  2. Search for lists using the Search box or locate the list(s) that will be the source for your filter.
  3. Click on the list(s) to highlight and select them.
  4. Click Select when your lists have been chosen.

Creating Filter Criteria

Selection Criteria

To create filter criteria, drag a data field from the Attribute options and drop it onto the Define Filter area. Once the data field is dropped, you can then select the operator and define the value for that field that you want to filter. 

You can combine the different filter conditions together with AND/OR logic operators. By default, the logic operator will be an OR. The AND/OR logic operators are located on a button on the far-right side of the Define Filter area. To change the logic operator, click on the button.

Filter conditions can also be combined in order to define a hierarchy of the conditions. Follow the steps below to create a group filter condition.

  1. To set up Group filter conditions, a minimum of three data fields must be present in the Define Filter Area.
  2. Place your mouse at the end of the grouping before the AND/OR logic operator button, until a gray button appears.
  3. Click on the gray button to create a grouping. 
  4. Once a grouping is created, an additional AND/OR logic operator option will appear. This can be changed as needed to meet the filter conditions.

You are also able to save your filter to use again, by checking the Save Filter As option and providing a name for the filter. The saved filters can be found in the Saved Filters option under Contacts.

Once your filter criteria has been built, you can click Add Members to generate the list. Any contacts that meet your filter criteria will populate the Member Lists page. When the list is finished, you will received a pop-up notification confirming the number of contacts that were added.

Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria allow you to build out the rule set that will be used to populate the dynamic list. The left hand side consists of the source fields that will be used to create your dynamic list. They consist of fields within System Tables. The right-hand side is where you build the filter by dragging an element from the Attribute section into the Define Filter section. From there, you are able to configure the operators and logic for your filter.


The Attribute section of the Filter area is where you would locate data fields to be used when building your filter. 

System Data Tables

The System Data Tables is a set of predefined system tables that can be used when defining your filter criteria.

  • Demographics - a system table that provides any data fields that are part of the All Contacts list. The primary field used within Demographics is Email Address. 
  • Behaviors - consist of several different System Tables that allow you to filter based on actions contacts have taken on an email send.
    • Sent - filter based on emails that have been sent to a contact.
    • Opens - filter based on if a contact has opened or not opened an email.
    • Clicks - filter based on if a contact has clicked or not clicked an email.
    • Bounces - filter based on the bounce status of a contact.
  • Membership Status - filter on the Global Optin/Out status or List Membership Status for contacts.
  • Other - filter on Domains, Categories, or Platforms used by contacts to view an email.
Select Saved Filters

Select Saved Filters allow you to select a filter that has already been created. If a saved filter is selected, the filter criteria will populate on the Define Filter area. You can then edit the filter criteria as needed. To select a saved filter, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Select Saved Filters button.
  2. The Select Saved Filter page allows you to locate the filter you will be using.
    • The most recently created filters are located in the top section. If you are using one of these, simply click the box next to the filter’s name.
    • The search option will allow you to search through all saved filters.
    • All saved filters will populate the bottom section of the page. If searching for a filter, your search results will appear in the bottom section. Click on the name of the filter in order to create it.
  3. Click Done.

Once the filter is selected, the filter criteria will be within the Defined Filter area.

Suppression Criteria

Suppression Criteria allows you to build out filter logic that will be used to suppress contacts from your list. The process to build out Suppression Criteria is the same as building out filters but the contacts who meet the filter logics will be excluded. To build out Suppression Criteria, please follow the steps below.

  1. Within the Suppression Criteria section, check the box for Suppress Address by Profile.
  2. Once selected, the Define Filter section will open.
  3. Build out the filter logics by dragging data fields from the Attributes section to the Define Filter area.

Seed Addresses

Seed Addresses are lists of contacts that should be included in the list regardless of the filter criteria or the suppression criteria. The Seed Addresses will be merged into the dynamic list when the list of contacts is generated. To include Seed Addresses, follow the steps below.

  1. Click into the Browse List box.
  2. Search for lists using the Search box or locate the list(s) that will be the source for your filter.
  3. Select the list(s) by clicking them with the mouse. Selected lists will be highlighted.
  4. Click Select when your lists have been selected.

Remove Global Opt Out

The Remove Global Opt Out option will exclude those contacts who have been globally opted out from your list. Click on the Remove Global Opt Out box to enable this option.

Once your filter criteria has been built, you can click Add Members to generate the list. The contacts that meet your filter criteria will populate the Member Lists page.

Members List

The Members List is where you can access the contacts associated with the list as well as different list functionality. On this page, you will see the contacts and any attributes associated with the contact. To see details on a specific contact, click on the email address for the client and it will open a new window with that contact’s information.

  • Member Information - edit any of the attribute information for that contact.
  • List Membership - view all the lists associated with the contact. You also have the option to add the contact to a new list, remove the contact from a current list, or to change the list membership status.
  • Custom Table Membership - view any data table associated with the contact.
  • History - view the email history for the contact. The email history consists of emails that have been sent to the contact and any other previous actions.
List Functionality

Within a static list, there are various functions available to you that will allow you to manipulate the data within the list. These functions are icons located on the left hand side above the contact information.

Split Lists

Split allows you to split a current list into multiple lists.  To split a list, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Split icon.
  2. On the Split List page, select the number of branches you would like the list to be split. The default number of branches is 2.
  3. Select the methodology you would like to use in order to divide the contacts into the new branches.
    • Numbers - split the list by a specific quantity per branch.
    • Percentage - split the list by a percentage per branch.
  4. In order to distribute the contacts into the new branches, slide the blue circle for each branch until the correct quantity or percentage is reached.
  5. Select if you would like to remove the contacts from the current list after splitting the list.
  6. Select if you would like carry over the list level opt-in/out status to the split lists. 
  7. Enter the naming convention for the new list names. This field is optional and if nothing is entered, the default naming convention uses the name of the current list and appends an A, B, C, etc.  and a date/time stamp to denote the splits.

Refresh No. of Members

Refresh No. of Members will refresh your list to reflect the most current contact list.

Count Members from List

Count Members from List will provide you with a count of the dynamic list.  It also provides you with information from the properties page.

List Name The name of your static list.
The description given to your static list. This can be defined during the list creation process or updated any time after the list is created.
List Type The type of list.
Total Members The total number of members associated with the list.
Last Modified The last date the list was modified.

Search allows you to search for a contact. To search for a contact, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. On the Search Members page, select the attributes you would like to search. This field is populated with Email Address by default.
  3. Enter the text you would like to search.
    • Search for changed addresses - search on those addresses that have recently been changed via the native subscription center.
    • Perform fuzzy matching - search on a partial value contained within a field.
    • Search through all contacts - search on all contacts that reside on a list, including the All Contacts list, within your account.
  4. Click on Search to complete your search.

Once your search is completed, the results of the search will appear on the Search Members list. To view the details for a specific contact, click on the contact’s email address.


Export allows you to export the current list to your FTP. To export a list, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. On the Export List page, select the File Options.
    • Include column headers as the first line - output a header on the exported file.
    • TSV file format - export the file as a tab separated delimiter which will open in excel for an easier visual review of the file.
    • CSV file format - export the file with a comma separated delimiter which will open in a .txt file.
    • Pipe delimited file - export the file with a pipe delimiter.
    • Custom delimiter - allows you to assign the delimiter for the export file.
  3. Select the export type.
    • Download List and Contact Data - download all contacts in your list regardless of bounce status.
    • Download Bounced Contacts - only download those contacts with a bounce status.
  4. Choose if you would like to include opted out contacts in your export. By default, this option is checked.
  5. Select any additional attributes you would like exported with the contact email addresses.
  6. Select if you would like any Subscription Status field exported.
  7. Select any Subscription Topics you would like exported.
  8. Click Export after your selections are completed.
  9. The Send a Data Export Summary Report To field will default with your email address. This can be changed to another email address if needed.
  10. Click Done to finish the list export.

Once the export is available, you will receive an email with with the name of the list and folder that it housed in on your FTP site.

List - Stats

List – Stats provide contact metrics for the specific list.

  • Active - total number of contacts that are available receive mail.
  • Bounces - total number of contacts that have bounced.
  • Unsubscribes - total number of contacts that have opt-out globally and from the specific list.
  • Complaints - total number of contacts that have reported an email as spam to their ISP for that list.

Schedule & Send

The Schedule & Send button allows you to configure an email send from the list. When scheduling an email from a list, the list information is defaulted on Step 2 of the Email Configuration page.

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