Help Documentation

Dynamic Data Tables

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Dynamic Data Tables let you filter data from system tables or custom data tables to create a table with a subset of contacts.

Creating a Dynamic Data Table

To create a Dynamic Data Table, follow these steps.

  1. On the Data Table Manager page, enter the name of the custom data table in the Create New Data Table field. The name of the custom data table can only contain characters, numbers, and underscores.
  2. Select Dynamic Data Table as the content type.
  3. Click on Create.

Once the data table has been created, you will be brought to the properties page to create the data fields.


The top portion of the properties page provides you with the standard information about the custom data table.

Object Description
Name The name of the custom data table.
Description A description given to the custom data table. This field is optional.
Folder Location The location of the data table in the folder tree of the data table manager.
Refresh Table on Sending This enables a refresh of the filter criteria every time the table is used in an email send. This ensures that the contacts for the table still meet the filter criteria.
Send Email Notifications To If populated, an email notification will be sent to the email address entered in the field.
Records The number of contacts contained within the data table.
Content Type The type of data table.
Created Date The date the data table was created.
Created By The user who created the data table.
Modified Date The date the data table was last modified.
Modified By The user who last modified the data table.

Click Continue to save the Dynamic Data Table and move to the Filter step.

Filter and Data Selection

The Filter & Data Selection page allows you create the criteria used to populate the dynamic data table. The page is divided in two sections: Attributes and Filters


The Attribute section of the filter area is where you can find data fields for creating your filter. The available data fields include a set of system tables and any custom data table within your account.

System Data Tables

System Data Tables are a set of predefined system tables that can be used when defining your filter criteria.

System Table Description

Includes any field names (columns) that are in the All Contacts database. If most contact data is in custom data tables, these fields may not be relevant.


Includes various System Tables for filtering contacts' actions on an email send.

  • Bounces: filter contacts based on bounce status.
  • Clicks: filter contacts based on email clicks.
  • Opens: filter contacts based on email opens.
  • Send: filter contacts based on sent emails.
Membership Status Allows you to filter contacts by Opt-In status for a Topic, List, or your All Contacts
Other Filter by a Recipient’s Domain, interaction with a configured Category, or Platform used by contacts to view an email.
Select Saved Filters

Select Saved Filters enables you to choose a previously saved filter. When a saved filter is selected, the filter criteria will appear in the Define Filter area, allowing you to modify the criteria as required.To select a saved filter, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Select Saved Filters button.
  2. The Select Saved Filter page allows you to locate the filter you will be using.
  3. The most recently created filters are located in the top section. If using one of these, simply click the box next to the filters name.
  4. The Search option will allow you to search through all Saved Filters.
  5. All Saved Filters will populate in the bottom section, or if searching, your search results will appear here. Click on the name of the filter in order to utilize it.
  6. Click Done.

Once the filter is selected, the filter name will populate in the Custom Data Table section and the filter criteria will be within the Defined Filter area.

Select Custom Data Tables

Select Custom Data Tables allows you to select one or more custom data tables to be used in the Filter Criteria.

To select a Custom Data Table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Select Custom Data Table button.
  2. On the Select Table page, either search for the custom data table(s) or use the folder tree to locate the custom data table(s).
  3. Click on the Name of the table to be included in the filter criteria.
  4. Click Done.

Once the custom data table(s) is selected, it will appear under the Custom Data Table section.


Filters enable you to construct the rule set for populating the dynamic data table. The left-hand side comprises the source fields for creating the dynamic data table, which can be fields within a System Table or a Custom Data table. On the right-hand side, you can build the filter by dragging an element from the Attribute section into the Define Filter section. From there, you can configure the operators and logic for your filter.

Creating Filter Criteria

To create filter criteria, drag a Data Field from the Attribute options and drop it onto the Define Filter area. Once the data field is dropped, you can then select the Operator and define the Value for the field you wish to filter.

You can combine different filter conditions together with AND/OR logic operators. By default, the logic operator with be an OR. The AND/OR logic operators are located in a button on the far-right side of the Define Filter Area. To change the logic operator, click on this button.

Define Dynamic Filter

Filter conditions can also be combined in order to define a hierarchy of the conditions.

  1. To group filter conditions, a minimum of three data fields must be present in the Define Filter Area.
  2. Place your mouse at the end of the grouping before the AND/OR logic operator button until a gray button appears.
  3. Click on the gray button to create a grouping.

Once a grouping is created, an additional AND/OR logic operator option will appear. This can be changed as needed to meet the filter conditions.

You are also able to save your filter to use again by checking the Save filter as option and providing a name for the filter.  The saved filters can be found in the Saved Filters option under Contacts.


Below is a list of available operators for Dynamic Data Tables.

Data Type Operator
Text Is / Is Not
Contains / Does Not Contain
Number Equal To / Not Equal To
Less Than
Greater Than
Like / Not Like
Is Null / Is Not Null
Begins With
Ends With
Boolean Is 0
Is 1
Date Is Equal / Is Not Equal
Is After
Is on or After
Is Before
Is on or Before
Is Null / Is Not Null
Matches Day
Matches Month
Matches Day and Month
Matches Year
Radius Search Zip Code

Table Attributes

Within the Table Attributes section, you are able to define which fields you would like to include for the Dynamic Data Table from the Source Tables option. This includes data fields from System Tables and the ability to select Custom Data Tables.

Dynamic Table Attributes

System Data Table

The System Data Tables house all system tables  and their data points. In order to view the available system tables, click the System Data Table bar. From here, you can click on the bar of any of the data tables to see the available fields for output.

Select Custom Data Table

If a Custom Data Table was used in the filter criteria, it will be available in the Source Tables.  Click on the Custom Data Tables bar to view the data table then select the name of the Custom Data Table to see any available data fields. 

If you would like include data fields from other custom data tables, they must first be added to the Source Tables options.

To select Custom Data Tables, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Select Custom Data Table button.
  2. On the Select Table page, either search for the custom data table(s) or use the folder tree to locate the custom data table(s).
  3. Click on the Name of the table to be included in the filter criteria.
  4. Click Done.

Once the Custom Data Table(s) is selected, it will appear under the Custom Data Table bar.

Selecting Fields for New Dynamic Table

To select fields for output, follow the steps below.

  1. Select one or more data fields from the Source Table. If selecting all of the data fields from a Custom Data Table, use the Select All option.
  2. Click on the Arrow button.
  3. Click on the Manage Column button to enter a new name for your field in the dynamic data table and sent a Primary Key(s) on any of the fields.
  4. Click Done once finished.
  5. Data Fields will then populate the New Dynamic Table box.

If you decide that you no longer want to include certain fields, they can be removed from the New Dynamic Table box by clicking on their name and then clicking on the left arrow.

Manage Dynamic Table Columns

Using Your Dynamic Data Table for Sending

To ensure your Dynamic Data Table can be used in an email send, you will need to set the sending properties. To do so, select one or more of the following options located at the bottom of the Table Attributes section.

  • Available for Email Sending will ensure that you can send to your dynamic data table. Once checked, you will also need to define the recipient key for the table by clicking on the Edit option.
  • Email Testing will ensure that you can use your dynamic data table while testing your emails.

Once your filter criteria has been built and your table attributes set, you can click Continue to move onto the next step.

Dynamic Table for Sending


Relationships help connect different system or custom data tables using a common data field. This is necessary when using multiple data tables. Any existing persistent relationships for the selected tables in your filter will be automatically displayed. If not, relationships must be created before compiling your filter results.

Keep in mind that all tables used for the filter and the resulting Dynamic Table must be linked by a number of relationships equal to the number of tables involved minus one.

Creating a Relationship

Dynamic Table Relationship

To create a relationship, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Add Relationship button.
  2. Enter a name in the Insert Relationship Name field.
  3. Click the Persist relationship option if you would like to save the relationship.
  4. Select the First System or Custom Data Table from the Select Table dropdown.
  5. Select the Common Data Field in the Select Attribute dropdown below it.
  6. Select the 2nd System or Custom Data Table from the second Select Table dropdown.
  7. Select the Common Data Field in the second Select Attribute dropdown below it.
  8. Click on the Add Relationship button if another relationship is needed.
  9. Click Continue when done.


The results of your filter criteria will appear on the Records Preview page.  It will include all contacts that meet the filter criteria and all output fields selected. Click on the Save button to apply any Primary Keys and to save the results to the Dynamic Data Table.  If you leave the page before Save is applied, your data table will be empty.

Once the Record page is populated, additional icons will be available.


Split allows you to split the Dynamic Data Table into multiple Custom Data Table.

To split a table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Split icon.
  2. On the Split Table page, select the number of branches you would like to split the table into. The default number of branches is two.
  3. Select how you would like to divide the contacts into the new branches.
    • Numbers - split the table by a specific quantity per branch.
    • Percentage - split the table by a percentage per branch.
  4. In order to distribute the contacts into the new branches, slide the blue circle for each branch until the correct quantity or percentage is reached.
  5. Click Split.
  6. The new Custom Data Tables will be located in the same folder as the Dynamic Data Table that was split. The resulting data tables will have the split letter (A, B, C, etc) and date and time appended to the custom data table name.


Refresh allows you to refresh the filter in order to update the results.


Export allows you to export the contacts out of the Dynamic Data Table to the CDT_OUT directory (folder) in your FTP. An email notification will be sent when the export is available.

To export a Dynamic Data Table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. Your email address will be populated in the Send a Data Export Summary Report To box. 
  3. Click Done.


Clean will empty the results from the Dynamic Data Table. The results can be populated again by refreshing the filter.

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