Help Documentation

Coupon Data Tables

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Coupon Data Tables allow you to store coupon codes that can be automatically added to email sends.

Creating a Coupons Data Table

Follow the steps below to create a Coupon Data Table.

  1. One the Data Table Manager page, enter the name of the Coupon Data Table in the Create New Data Table field. The name of the coupon data table can only contain characters, numbers, and underscores.
  2. Select Coupons Data Table as the Content Type.
  3. Click on Create.


The top portion of the properties page provides you with the standard information about the Coupons Data Table.

Object Description
Name The name of the Coupon Data Table.
Description A description given to the Coupon Data Table. This field is optional.
Folder Location The location of the Coupon Data Table in the folder tree of the Data Table Manager.
Records The number of coupon codes contained within the data table
Content Type The type of data table.
Created Date The date the data table was created.
Created By The user who created the data table.
Modified Date The date the data table was last modified.
Modified By The user who last modified the data table.


Coupon Table Attributes

The attributes for a Coupons Data Table are created automatically. The only change that can be made to the default values is the Name of the data field; all other fields are fixed and default values cannot be used. Only the coupon code field is required in order to use Coupons and only one Coupon Code field can exist in the table. The standard field types are listed below.

Data Field Description
coupon_code The field that will hold the coupon codes to be inserted into the email. This field has a max length of 250 characters. As this is the Primary Key for the data table, all codes imported must be unique.
contact_id The ID of the contact to which the coupon was sent. This field will be populated once the coupon code has been inserted and sent to a contact.
assigned_timestamp The time at which the coupon was sent to a contact. This field will be populated once the coupon code has been inserted and sent to a contact.
email The email ID in which the coupon was sent. This field will be populated once the coupon code has been inserted and sent to a contact.
mailing_id The mailing ID for the Email Ticket. This field will be populated once the coupon code has been inserted and sent to a contact.
redeemed The field can be used to mark the coupon as redeemed.

You can also add additional attributes to your Coupons Data Table by utilizing the following steps:

  1. Click on the Edit Attributes button.
  2. Click Add New Attribute and enter the attribute's information.
    • Name: This is a required field and is the unique identifier for the table. It can contain only characters, numbers, and underscores.
    • Data Type: This field is required and sets the data type for the field. Please see the Reference section for available data types.
    • Default Value: This is an optional field. If no value is present during the import of data, the default value is applied to the contact.
    • Required: This indicated that the data field is required when new data is added to the table. If there is an empty value for this column, the records will be rejected.
    • Primary Key: This indicates that the field is a unique identifier for the contact records in the table. The field is used when adding and updating data in the table.
    • Post Code: This is an optional field. If checked, the column will denote that the field contains postal codes. This field should be checked if the Coupon Data Table is being used in a Dynamic Data Table for a postal code radius search.
    • Post Code Validation: This is an optional field. If checked, the platform will perform a validation on the postal code field.
    • Coupon Codes: This field is required and serves to indicate that the field contains the coupon code. Only one coupon code field is allowed per Coupons Data Table.
  3. Once all data fields are entered, click the Save button.

Coupon Table Management

Coupon Table Management allows you to create rules for the behavior of the table when the number of available coupon codes is limited or non-existent. These rules can be used in conjunction with each other or separately depending on your use case. The available options are listed below.

Coupon Table Management

Configure email notifications when available coupons are under a specific threshold.

To enable this feature, check the box next to the Send Email Notification option, enter the email address that should receive the notification and set the threshold for remaining unclaimed coupon codes.

Return empty values for coupon codes and allow sends to continue.

This option will allow an email to continue to send but no codes will be inserted. This will result in blank values appearing in your emails where the coupon code would populate.

Autogenerate more coupon codes.

Enabling this will allow the table to autogenerate additional coupon codes based on the options you select and populate them into the Coupons Data Table. This enables the email to continue sending and coupon codes to be inserted. This option is selected by default.

Below are the coupon component definitions for the autogeneration of codes.

Coupon Component Definition
Number of Partitions Defines the number of sections within the coupon code. All coupon codes have a minimum of 1 partition.
Partition Length Defines the number of characters allowed for each partition. If 1 partition is being used, the default length is 5 characters. 
Separator Defines the character that will be used to separate the partition.
Prefix Defines any value that will be prepended to the coupon code.
Characters Available Defines the types of characters that will be used when autogenerating the coupon code. By default, all options are enabled.

Once all information has been entered on the Properties page, click on Continue to save your Coupons Data Table and proceed to the Records page.


The Records page is where you can access the coupon codes housed in the Coupons Data Table. When the Coupons Data Table is created, the Records page will be blank and the coupon codes will need to be added to the table.

There are several ways to add coupon codes to the table. They can be added via the API, imported from a data file, or be autogenerated via the UI.

Import a Data File

To manually import a data file, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Records page, click on the Upload icon.
  2. Select how you would like to locate your data file.
    • Browser Upload- upload a file in browser. The data file must be smaller than 50MB if this option is used.
    • FTP Upload- select a file that is located in the CDT_IN folder on your FTP site.
  3. Check the Expect Large Data box if the large text data field is in use. This will default the delimiter to Tab and enforce the Respect double quotes as a text qualifier option.
  4. Select the Delimiter of the data file.
  5. Choose the Import Options for your data.
  6. Select the Record Operation. The options available in the drop down will vary depending on the presence of one or more primary keys in data structure of the custom data table.
    • Overwrite Existing Records- replace data currently in the table with data from the data file.
    • Only Update Existing Records- only update any contacts associated with the data table and will reject any new contacts.
    • Add Only New Records- add new contacts from the data file but will not update any existing contacts.
    • Add New & Update Existing Contacts- add new contacts and update any contacts associated with the data table.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Map Records step, you will need to map the fields on the data file to the attributes for the data table. Any fields that match the data table attributes will be mapped automatically. If you do not want to map a field, select Ignore this column.
  9. Click Finish.

The column headers and data format in your file should match the attributes and data type in your Coupon Data Table. Otherwise, the records could be rejected.

The import will run in session and you will be notified when it has completed with an import notification. The notification will provide you with a total number of records added or updated, as well as a total of the records that were rejected. You will also be able to download the rejected records. The rejected record file does include a column with the reason as to why the contact was not imported.

Generate Coupons

Generate Coupons allows you to generate a large number of coupon codes within your table without the need of importing any data. You are able to configure the number of coupon codes that will be generated, as well as the format of those codes.

Generate Coupon Codes

To generate coupons, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Generate Coupons icon.
  2. On the Generate Codes page, enter the number of coupons that will be generated.
  3. Enter the required information to define the format of the coupon codes.
  4. Click Generate.

The coupon code generation will run in session and the table will be locked while the coupon codes are created.

Other Table Functions

Within the Coupons Data Table, other functionality is available using the icons located on the left-hand side above the contact information.


Split allows you to separate the Coupons Data Table into multiple Custom Data Tables.

To split the table, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Split icon.
  2. On the Split Table page, select the number of branches you would like the list split into. The default number of branches is 2.
  3. Select how you would like the table to appear by determining how to divide the contacts into the new branches.
    • Numbers - split the list by a specific quantity per branch
    • Percentage - split the list by a specific percentage per branch
  4. In order to distribute the contacts to the new branches, slide the blue circle for each branch until the correct quantity or percentage is reached.
  5. Click Split.
  6. The new Custom Data Tables will be located in the same folder as the custom data table that was split. The resulting data tables will have a split letter (A, B, C, etc) and date and time appended to the custom data table name.


Export allows you to export the records out of the Coupons Data Table to the CDT_OUT directory (folder) on your FTP. An email notification will be sent when the export is available.

To export a custom data table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Export icon.
  2. Your email address will be populated in the Send a Data Export Summary Report To box. The email address can be changed, if needed.
  3. Click Done.


Clean allows you to remove all contacts from the Coupon Data Table.

To clean a data table, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Clean icon.
  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to clean the Coupon Data Table.

Search allows you to search for a record in the Coupon Data Table.

To search for a Record, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. On the Search Members page, select the field you want to search on from the Select Field to Search By drop down.
  3. Enter the information you are searching on in the Insert Text to Search By field.
  4. Click the Search button.

The search results will appear below the search criteria. From here, you can click on the Edit or Delete icon next to the row.

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