Help Documentation

Sending an Email

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In this article, you will learn how to configure and schedule your email.

How to Send an Email

Access the email sending screen one of two ways:

  1. Click the Actions drop-down on the main Emails Screen and select Send Email.
  2. Click the email name and click Continue to step through the email until you reach the last screen then click the green Schedule & Send button.

Email Send Configuration

  1. Complete the Email Send Configuration form.
  2. Click Next.
    The Email Send Configuration Overview will appear.  
  3. Click Run Immediately or Schedule.
    If Schedule is selected, the Schedule Editor will appear.

The table below lists the Email Send Configuration properties with their descriptions.

Option Description
The name given to the email will automatically populate. The name can be modified in email properties.
The subject line entered in email properties will appear. You can modify the subject line within the Email Send Configuration window.

* NOTE: Any changes made to the subject line within the Email Send Configuration window will not update the subject line set in the email properties.
Make segments for Subject Testing
Select this option if you would like to set up A/B subject line testing. When this option is selected an additional step is included in the Email Send Configuration process. See A/B Subject Line Testing for more information.
Enable Retargeting Select this option to send a follow up email to contacts based on action taken on the initial email. See Retargeting for more information.
The preheader entered in email properties will appear. You can change the preheader within the Email Send Configuration window.

* NOTE: Any changes made to the preheader within the Email Send Configuration window will not update the preheader set in the email properties.
Campaign Tag
Allows you to select a Campaign Tag to associate the email send with. Campaign Tags are used to group like email sends together and then provide an aggregate report on email sends associated with that Campaign.
Reports Folder
Allows you to select the reports folder. If you select a folder, the email ticket will automatically be placed in that folder at the time of send.
Sender Domain Allow you to select the sender domain the email will send from.  Please refer to Sender Domains for more information.
From Name
The default Email From Name will display.
From Address
The default Email Reply Address will appear.
IP Address(es)
Allows you to select an IP Address for a send. This option is only available if your account is configured to allow you to select an IP Address.
Track Opens Allows you to select track opens for this email. If you select Yes, the system collects tracking on the opens.
Track Links
Allows you to select track all links found within this email. If you select Yes, the system collects tracking on the links.
Web Tracking Allows you to enable web tracking for the email send.  If web tracking is already enabled in your account, this will be defaulted to enabled for all sends.
Web Analytics
Allows you select web analytics tracking string to be appended to links found within this email. These parameters are defined under Web Analytics in the General Settings menu. If you select Yes, the system will append the web analytics tracking parameters to the links at the time of send.
Send Classification
  • Commercial - The CAN-SPAM Act defines a Commercial email message as "any electronic mail message, the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service." Commercial messages must include a mechanism to unsubscribe, the physical mailing address of the sender, and a notice of advertisement if unsolicited. For commercial messages, we check for the presence of an unsubscribe link.
  • Transactional - Transactional messages, per CAN-SPAM, are primarily emails that "facilitate, complete, or confirm a commercial transaction that the recipient has previously agreed to enter into with the sender." According to the FTC, to be considered "transactional" per CAN-SPAM, the subject line must be transactional in nature and non-promotional. Also, the email body must present the "transactional content" prior to the commercial content. For transactional messages, we do not check for the presence of an unsubscribe.
 * NOTE: If you are unsure of classification, we recommend you check "commercial" and provide an unsubscribe link. This is not legal advice. Please speak with your legal counsel for the proper application for your organization.

Audience Selection

Select the recipients to send the email to.

The table below lists the Audience Selection options with their descriptions.

Use this field if you would like to send to a List(s).
Sendable Data Table(s)
Use this field if you would like to send to a Data Table(s).
Coupon Data Table Use this field to select the data table that contains the coupon codes. This field should only be used if inserting coupon codes via Coupons into the email.
Suppression List(s)
Use this field if you would like to suppress contacts found on a list.
Suppression Sendable Data Table(s) Use this field if you would like to suppress contacts found on a sendable data table.
MD5 Suppression List(s)
Use this field if you would like to suppress records found on a MD5 Suppression List.

If using a Test List as part of the audience of the send, ensure that another list or data table is included as well.  A report will not generate if an email is configured to send using only a Test List.

Advanced Options

Option Description
If Send all messages as soon as possible after launch time is selected, the system will send to the entire audience as quickly as possible.

Send Throttling allows you to specify how many emails you want to send per hour. The system will continue sending based on the parameters set until all records have been sent.
Contact may be sent this activity only once
If selected, the system will suppress those contacts who have already received the email when the same automation is used for sending.
Deduplicate Audience by Email Address
Allows you to deduplicate subscribers by email address if you do not want subscribers to receive multiple emails. If you check the checkbox, the system will deduplicate the recipients by email address as the time of send.
Opt-out Override If yes, send messages regardless of a contact’s opt-out status. The default is No.
Fail MX Rejections
If yes, do not attempt to retry delivery of messages because of an MX rejection, e.g.  554 Transaction failed. The default is No – the message is delegated to the retry queue.
Fail DNS Timeouts
If yes, do not attempt to retry delivery of messages because of a DNS timeout, e.g. not able to reach host. The default is No – the message is delegated to the retry queue.
Never Retry Delivery If yes, the system will bypass the email retry process.
Email Frequency
Allows you to suppress sending to the contacts who have received an email from you in the previous x number of days.
Use recipient's preferred email frequency when known Allows you to send based off the recipients email frequency if this feature is enabled on your account.

Configure Schedule

  1. Scheduled should be checked.
  2. Schedule Date – Click in the Select Date field and select the date on the calendar that you would like your email to send.
  3. Schedule Time – Enter the time, AM or PM, and time zone you would like the email to send.
  4. Recurrence – Select the cadence in which you would like this email to send.
  5. Scheduled – Update this field to Active.
  6. Click Save.
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