Help Documentation

Journey Sends

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Journey Sends provides information and reporting metrics on Journey Automations.  When first accessing Journey Sends, you will initially see the reporting manager.  The reporting manager provides information on the Journey Automation.

The name of the journey.  Clicking on the name will bring you to the reporting results.
Status The status of the journey.  A journey can be Active, Paused, or Stopped.
Created The date the journey was created.
Modified The date the journey was last modified.
In Queue The total number of contacts who are queued to enter a journey.  Contacts will be queued while a journey is paused.
Total Entered The total number of contacts who have entered into the journey.
In Journey The total number of contacts who are currently in the journey but have not exited or been ejected.
Ejected The total number of contacts who have been ejected from the journey.  Contacts can be ejected based on ejection criteria configured in the journey or by suppression lists or data tables configured on the email activity.
Exited The total number of contacts who have completed the journey.

To access the Journey Reports, click on the name of the journey in the reporting manager.  The Journey Sends Report is composed of tabs that provide different information regarding the mailing.

Email Summary
This tab contains the basic reporting metrics for the email activities configured in the journey.
HTTP Request
This tab contains reporting metrics on HTTP request activities that are configured in the journey.

The timeframe for the Journey Sends Report can be changed by using the calendar to adjust the date range for the report.  Please note that Journey Sends Reports have a max time frame of 90 days.  To change the date range for the report, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the green Report icon next to the date range in the blue bar at the top of the report.
  2. Select your date range from the available options or create a custom date range.
  3. Click Apply to apply the new date range to the report.

Email Summary

The Email Summary tab provides the basic reporting metrics for the email activities that are configured on the email send.

Each email activity that is configured in the journey will appear in this tab with a unique Mailing ID.  It is important to note that if the email content is changed, a new Mailing ID will be generated resulting in a new row added to the journey report. To see reporting for older email content, click on the arrow next to the email name. To access the Email Ticket report for the individual sends, please click on the name of the email activity.

The Email Summary report will also provide a Cumulative Results row for all email activities that are configured in the journey, as well as the configuration of the entrance options for the journey.

Reporting Metrics

The Email Summary tab provides the following metrics for each email activity and the cumulative results.

Reporting Metric
The name of the email activities that are in the journey configuration.
Mailing ID
Mailing ID is the iPost internal ID for that mailing.
Modified Date/Time
Date/Time is the date and time the email was modified.
Sent Sent displays the number and the percentage of contacts to which the email was sent.
Bounces Bounces displays the number and the percentage of emails that bounced.  This includes hard and soft bounces.
Delivered Delivered displays the number and the percentage of emails that were successfully delivered to a contact.
Opens Opens displays the total number of opens by contacts.
Clicks Clicks displays the total number of clicks by contact.
Conversions Conversions displays the total number of conversions for the send. This field is only present if conversion tracking is enabled.
Unsubscribe Unsubscribe displays the total number of contacts that have opted-out using the native opt-out link.

You are also able to access the contact information for each reporting metric listed above.  To access the contact information, click on the number being reported for the specific metric.  A results page will appear with the contact’s email address and the date/time of their interaction with the email.  From here, you can chose what you would like to do with this information.

  • Create a New List will create a new list that you can use for sending, suppression, or filtering.
  • Create a New Sendable Data Table will create a new data table that you can use for sending, suppression, filtering, or SQL queries.
  • Export will export the contacts in a CSV format.

The report is also available for download.  To export the report, click on the Download Text or Download PDF option for each send.  The Text option will export the reporting metrics in a CSV format and the PDF exports the reporting metrics as a PDF. Once clicked, you can enter your email address and you will receive an email when the report is available for download from the iPost FTP.

The Email Summary tab also contains graphs that provide a break out on additional reporting metrics.

Email Delivery

Email Delivery provides a visual illustration of the number of emails that were delivered, soft bounced, or hard bounced.  The different metrics are represented by different colors in the graph.  If you mouse over the colored sections, you will be provided with a count per metric.

Email Client Usage

Email Client Usage displays the top five user agents for viewing an email.  The rest of the user agents are added to the Other category.

Engagement by Device

Engagement by Device displays stats regarding the devices contacts use to open their emails.  The graph displays data for Desktop or Mobile devices for both Opens and Clicks.

Email Engagement Report

Email Engagement displays metrics regarding how the contacts interacted with the email. Within this report, you can find the total number of Opens and Clicks.

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