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Email Tickets

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Email Tickets contain the reporting metrics for email sends.  The Email Ticket is generated as soon as the email begins sending.  The metrics will update as the email sends and during the retry process.

Email Tickets consist of multiple tabs that provide different reporting options. You can access the different report by clicking on one of the tabs.

Provides basic reporting metrics for the email send.
Click Overlay Displays a heat map of the email with indicators as to where contacts click.
ISP Delivery Provides deliverability metrics broken out by domain.
Links Lists all URLs within the email content for the send and provides the ability to edit those links.
Details Provides a summary of the email activity configuration for this send.
Deliverability Testing This is part of the 250ok integration.  This tab will be available when the deliverability seeds are added to a mailing. Contact iPost Client Services to have this feature enabled in your account.
Conversions This tab will be available if conversion tracking is enabled on the account.  Any conversion results for the mailing is available in this tab.

The Summary tab provides the basic reporting metrics for the email send. The name of the email send is located in the blue bar. The subject line for the email is below the reporting metrics.

Reporting Metric
Mailing ID
Mailing ID is the iPost internal ID for that mailing.  Clicking on the Mailing ID will bring you to the email that was used for that email send.
Date/Time Date/Time is the date and time the email was sent.
Sent Sent displays the number and the percentage of contacts to which the email was sent.
Bounces Bounces displays the number and the percentage emails that bounced. This includes hard and soft bounces.
Delivered Delivered displays the number and the percentage of emails that were successfully delivered to a contact.
Unique Opens Unique Opens displays the number and the percentage of opens by contacts.
Unique Clicks Unique Clicks displays the number and the percentage of clicks by contact.
Conversions Conversions displays the number and the percentage of conversions for the send.  This field is only present if Web Tracking is enabled.
Complaints Complaints displays the number and the percentage of contacts that have reported the email as spam to their ISP.
Unsubscribe Unsubscribe displays the number and percentage of contacts that have opted out using the native opt out link.
Status Status displays the status of the mailing. In Progress will be displayed while the email is sending.  Complete will be displayed once all contacts have been sent the email.

From within the Email Ticket, you are also able to access the contact information for each reporting metric.  To access the contact information, click on the number being reported for the specific metric.  A results page will appear with the contact’s email address and the date/time of their interaction with the email.  From here, you can chose what you would like to do with this information.

  • Create a New List will create a new list that you can use for sending, suppression, or filtering.
  • Create a New Sendable Data Table will create a new data table that you can use for sending, suppression, filtering, or SQL queries.
  • Export will export the contacts in a CSV format.

Remarketing options are also available from within the Email Ticket.  

  • Who Didn't Click
  • who Didn't Open or Click

When one of these options is selected, a results page will appear with the contact's email address and the ability to take action on this information.

The report is also available to be downloaded. To export the report, click on the Download Text or Download PDF option for each send.  The Text option will export the reporting metrics in a CSV format while the PDF option exports the reporting metrics as a PDF.  Once clicked, you can enter your email address and you will receive an email when the report is available for download from the iPost FTP.

The Summary tab also contains graphs that provide a break out on additional reporting metrics.

Email Delivery

Email Delivery provides a visual illustration of the number of emails that were delivered, soft bounced, or hard bounced.  The different metrics are represented by different colors in the graph.  If you mouse over the colored sections, you will be provided with a count per metric.

Email Client Usage

Email Client Usage displays the top five user agents for viewing an email. The rest of the user agents are added to the Other category.

Engagement by Device

Engagement by Device displays stats regarding the devices contacts use to open their emails.  The graph displays data for Desktop or Mobile devices for both Opens and Clicks. These percentages are calculated by the number of clicks/opens per device divided by the total number of clicks/opens.

Email Engagement Report

Email Engagement displays metrics regarding how the contacts interacted with the email. Within this report, you can find the total number of Opens and Clicks.

Click Overlay

The Click Overlay tab provides the option to see a visual rendering of the email content or the option to view unique clicks by link.  The Click Overlay view will be shown by default.

On the Click Overlay view, the email content for the send will render with visual indicators as to where contacts are clicking.  Links will be highlighted in different colors depending on a contact’s response to the link.  The click percentage is calculated by the number of clicks on the link/unique opens for mailing.  The legend for link colors is displayed at the top of the page. The report can be exported in PDF format by clicking the Export icon on the top right of the page.

On the Click by Link view, each URL from the email content will render with a total number of unique clicks for that URL.  If the 'name' attribute is being used in the HTML code, that information will also be displayed. To access the contact information, click on the number being reported for the unique click.  A results page will appear with the contact’s email address and the date/time of their click.  From here, you can chose what you would like to do with this information.

  • Create a New List will create a new list that you can use for sending, suppression, or filtering.
  • Create a New Sendable Data Table will create a new data table that you can use for sending, suppression, filtering, or SQL queries.
  • Export will export the contacts in a CSV format.
IPS Delivery

The ISP Delivery tab provides reporting broken out by domain. There are two methods to control which domains appear on the final report.

  • View Top Domains
  • View Statics Domain

View Top Domains allows you to select the number of domains to appear on the report.  By default, the report will show the top ten domains for the sending list in the report.  View Statics Domains allows you to enter a comma separated list of domains you would like to appear on the report. Once you select your control, click on Refresh to generate a new report.

The ISP Delivery tab is broken into two sections, Delivery and Response.  Within each section is a row for the Mailing Total which provides the same information reported by domain but is reported for the mailing as a whole.


The Delivery section provides delivery metrics broken out by domain.  The domains are listed in descending order by the Email Sent column.

Email Sent
The number of emails sent from that domain for the mailing.
List Share The percentage of the total list for the mailing which was sent to the domain.
Bounces The number of messages sent to the domain that bounced.
Bounce Rate The percentage of messages sent to the domain which bounced.
Emails Received The number of emails that were successfully delivered to the domain.
Delivery Rate The percentage of messages sent to the domain which were successfully delivered.


The Response section provides engagement metrics broken out by domain. The domains are listed in descending order by Emails Received.

Emails Received
The number of emails that were successfully delivered to the domain.
Unsubscribe The number of contacts who opted out of using the iPost Subscription Form.
Unsubscribe Rate The percentage of total contacts who opted out of using the iPost Subscription Form.
Unique Open The number of emails that were opened.  A contact may only be counted once for this metric.
Unique Open Rate The percentage of emails that were received and opened by a contact.
Unique Click The number of unique clicks.
Unique Click Rate The percentage of emails that were clicked.
CTVR The Click to View Rate compares the number of opens to the number of clicks.

The Detail tab provides an overview of the email configuration for the send.  It also includes a rendering of the email content.  You can refer back to this tab if you have any question about the configuration of the email send.

Deliverability Testing

The Deliverability Testing tab will only be available if the 250ok integration is configured in your account.  The Deliverability Testing tab will render the inboxing results from the 250ok seeds that were added to the email send.  The tab is broken up into various sections:

Overall Results
Overall inbox placement results.
Global Global ISP inbox placement results.
North America North American specific ISP inbox placement results.
Filtering Companies Corporate spam filter inbox placement results.
Hosting Companies Hosting company inbox placement results.
Europe European ISP inbox placement results.

Deliverability result definitions:

Inbox The percentage of emails that were received in the inbox.
Spam The percentage of emails that were received in the spam folder.
Missing The percentage of emails that were not received.
SPF The percentage of emails with SPF.
DKIM The percentage of emails with DKIM.
Status The status of the report.  It can be either "In Progress" or "Complete".

The Conversions tab will only be available if conversion tracking is configured on your account.  This tab will provide all the conversion related reporting for the email send.

Total Revenue The total revenue resulting from orders from this mailing.
Average Order The average of all orders from this mailing.
Total Conversions The total number of conversion.
Number of Items The total number of items ordered.
Conversion Rate The rate of conversion for this mailing.

You are also able to export individual contact information within the Conversion tab.  To access the contact information, click on one of the following options:

  • Who Converted will provide you with a list of contacts who placed an order.
  • Who Did Not Convert will provide you with a list of contacts who did not place an order.
  • Conversion Details will provide an export of various data files that contain the raw data for the conversions. 

Both Who Converted and Who Did Not Convert can be created into a list or data table. You can also export them. Select from one of the options below.

  • Create a New List will create a new list that you can use for sending, suppression, or filtering.
  • Create a New Sendable Data Table will create a new data table that you can use for sending, suppression, filtering, or SQL queries.
  • Export will export the contacts in a CSV format.

Email Conversion Data

The Email Conversion Details section provides information on items purchased as part of the conversions.

  • Top Item by Conversion Revenue will provide the product that resulted in the highest revenue.
  • Top Item by Conversion Count will provide the product with the highest amount of purchases.
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