Help Documentation

Comparison Report

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The Comparison Report allows you to group like mailings and then to run a report that provides aggregate reporting statistics. To locate and group the mailings, use the Filter and Search functionality in the Reports Manager.

Creating a Comparison Report

To create a Comparison Report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Email Tickets or A/B Test Sends
  2. Use the Filter functionality to group mailings by date or the Search functionality to group mailings by name
  3. Once the Filter or Search results have rendered, click on the Filter Comparison Report or Search Comparison Report button

Comparison Report

The Comparison Report will render in session, but you will have the option to download the results by clicking the Download Report button.  When the report has rendered, you will be provided with the cumulative totals, as well as the individual Email Tickets for each send included in the report.

Cumulative Results

The Cumulative Results displays the aggregate total of all emails ends included in the report.

Reporting Metrics

Reporting Metric
Name The name of the email send.  Clicking on the email name will bring you to the Email Ticket for that send.
Subject Line The subject line used in the email send.  If iTL is present in the subject line, the raw iTL variable will be output in the report.
Mailing ID Mailing ID is the iPost internal ID for that mailing.  Clicking on the Mailing ID will bring you to the email that was used for that email send.
Date/Time Date/Time is the date and time the email was sent.
Sent Sent displays the number and the percentage of contacts to which the email was sent.
Bounces Bounces displays the number and the percentage of emails that bounced.  This includes hard and soft bounces
Delivered Delivered displays the number and the percentage of emails that were successfully delivered to a contact.
Unique Opens Unique Opens displays the number and the percentage of opens by contacts.
Unique Clicks Unique Clicks displays the number and the percentage of clicks by contacts.
Complaints Complaints displays the number and the percentage of contacts that have reported the email as spam to their ISP.
Unsubscribe Displays the number and percentage of contacts that have opted out using the native opt out link.
Status Displays the status of the mailing. In Progress will be displayed while the email is sending.  Complete will be displayed once all contacts have been sent the email.

The Comparison Report also contains graphs that provides a break out of additional reporting metrics.

Email Delivery

Email Delivery provides a visual illustration of the number of emails that were delivered, soft bounced, or hard bounced.  The different metrics are represented by different colors in the graph.  If you mouse over the colored sections, you will be provided with a count per metric.

Email Client Usage

Email Client Usage displays the top fiver user agents for viewing an email.  The rest of the user agents are added to the Other category.

Engagement by Device

Engagement by Device displays stats regarding the devices contacts use to open their emails.  The graph displays data for Desktop or Mobile devices for both Opens and Clicks.

Email Engagement Report

Email Engagement displays metrics regarding how the contacts interacted with the email.  Within this report, you can find the total number of Opens and Clicks.

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