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IP Warm-up and Deliverability

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iPost provides Shared IP Space (a pool of established sending IPs) and optional Dedicated IPs (DIPs) for sending messages. Both Shared IP Pools and DIPs are part of iPosts Feedback Loop (FBL), which includes all major domains, ensuring that subscriber complaints are received in real-time and the subscribers email address is immediately unsubscribed. Both metrics are available in various client reports, including the Email Summary Report.

An example of Complaints and Unsubscribes in an Email Ticket Report can be found below:

Email Ticket Report_Unsubs and Complaints

It is recommended to closely monitor campaigns for increased levels of complaints and/or unsubscribing activity after each send, particularly during the IP Warm-up period, which typically lasts 6-10 weeks, depending on send volumes and frequency. If these two metrics show a sudden increase, it indicates an issue that should be promptly investigated and addressed. Taking these steps will help prevent delivery issues such as being listed as spam or messages being routed to the spam folder or junk box.

IP Warm-up Plans

During the IP Warm-up period, you are essentially introducing yourself to the big email providers like AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and others. Smaller domains and reporting services such as Barracuda Networks, SORBS, and others are just as important. Just like in life, it's crucial to make a good first impression!

We recommended initially sending emails to your most engaged subscribers, like those who've opened or clicked an email in the last 30 days, recent purchasers, and new sign-ups. Then, you can gradually add in the slightly less engaged ones, like those who've opened or clicked in the last 60 days, then 90 days, and so on.

But remember, every organization is different, so the best approach might vary. For a customized plan to fit your needs and ramp up your sending, consult your Customer Success Manager.

For clients with optional DIPs, 90% of message traffic will initially be sent from the Shared IP Space and 10% from the DIPs. The percentages sent from the DIPs will then gradually increase during the warm-up period until they are close to 100% seasoned. Note that a small percentage, less than 5%, of message traffic may continue to be sent through iPost's other IPs which handle deferral sending.

Once the warming period is complete or during its final phases, you can start integrating non-engaged subscribers. This should be done thoughtfully and meticulously.

If subscribers are not engaging with your messages, it's a sign!

But, what are they trying to tell you?

Each ISP has its own definition of engagement and thresholds for negative metrics, such as complaints and unsubscribes. Generally, a modest 10% Open rate and/or 1% Click-through rate is recommended to maintain inbox placement. iPost offers detailed domain statistics to help you quickly determine if you are achieving this goal. We recommended utilizing A/B and Advanced Tests to optimize the subject line, preheader, and content for non-engaged subscribers to get them back on board!

If you have any questions about about the IP Warm-up process or Deliverability overall, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

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