Help Documentation

Client Settings

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This page will allow you to define default settings and preferences.

Client Info

This section displays the information used by iPost to identify your organization.

Client Settings Info

Client Name: appears on default iPost provided subscription forms. This name is configured during set-up and may be changed by contacting your Customer Success Manager.

Client Token: a unique identifier used by many of iPost's automated systems and required when using the iPost API. This value cannot be changed.

Subscription Center

The standard subscription form is provided by iPost as a free service. This page allows your subscribers to opt-in or opt-out of your mailings, as well as opting-up or opting-down by selecting or deselecting public lists or topics in your iPost account.

View Subscription Form

To see your native subscription form, click the View Subscription Form link. This URL is comprised of the subdomain delegated to iPost and the token assigned to your Client (e.g., https://[subdomain]/form/[token]/prefs). You can then add this URL to your website, allowing any potential subscribers to opt-in.

Edit Form

Click the Edit Form Link to make edits to what options render on the Subscription Form and to change the look and feel of the form.

Edit Subscription Form
  1. Use Custom Subscription Center Text to replace the default text with custom copy for the Subscription Center.
  2. The Logo URL is the URL for the logo that will be displayed on the Subscription Center. The image should have dimensions within 400 pixels width x 90 pixels height.
  3. When Display Public Lists is enabled, any list with the Public setting enabled in the list properties will be displayed. By default, this is disabled.
  4. Display Topics will show any Topics in the client account.
  5. Display Mobile Phone Options will display the mobile phone field on the Subscription Center page.
  6. You can Upload Custom CSS to apply your own CSS.
  7. Download Custom CSS allows you to download the custom CSS that has been uploaded.
  8. Download Default CSS allows you to download the default CSS for modification and re-uploading.

If uploading a CSS file, it may take a couple of minutes for the changes to take affect on the subscription page. Please allow time for the CSS to update when viewing these changes.

Account Info

This section displays the main users contact information.

Mailing Manager: The person in charge of creating and sending mailings.

Email Address: The address where iPost should send emails about mailing setup. This dropdown menu shows all active users in your iPost account. If the primary contact's address is not in this list, please create a user account for that person.

FTP Settings

The FTP Settings section allows you to set a time frame for how long files should be retained on your iPosts FTP site. The default setting is 3 months. The minimum retention period is 1 week and the max retention period is 6 months. Click here to read more about your iPost FTP.

Time Settings

This section allows you to set a default time zone, date format, and time format.

Default Time Zone: The time used for mailing history events.

Date Format: Choose the date format you prefer. By default, iPost accepts YYYY-MM-DD. However, you can select another date format if needed.

Time Format: Choose the time format for your iPost account. When importing data, use the selected date format for datetime fields.

Default Values for Emails

These settings are used to provide defaults for new email tickets.

From/Display Name: The name associated with your email address as displayed in the subscriber's inbox.

Reply To: Utilizing your delegated subdomain, this email address will be used to send your mailings and will be displayed in the subscriber's Inbox.

List Owner: This value populates an Internet Engineering Task Force standard email field that is intended to identify an administrator who can deal with any difficulties experienced by the recipients of the mailing. It should contain a valid email address or be blank.

Sender Postal Address: The postal address of the brand or company sending the email. You must include your postal address in each mailing.

Document Preview Address: This allows you to set a default email address which will be used for personalizing the preview of emails.

Automation Error Notification: The email address that automation error notifications should default to.

Mailing Duration: How long your mailing will be scheduled to run by default. This field is used to set the allow deliveries/forwards date for each ticket, which can be adjusted in the ticket Advanced Settings.

Track System Fields: Enabling this feature will track clicks on the native opt out link, the View in Browser link, and the Forward to a Friend link.

Extended Services

Custom Domain Name

A custom domain name can significantly enhance your brand awareness by incorporating your company name (or other chosen words) into your tracked URLs. This is achieved by delegating a subdomain to iPost. For instance, if you allocate the domain "," the redirect URLs in your email content will appear as follows:

For more information on delegating a subdomain, read our Subdomain Delegation Guide.

Mail Volume

The Mail Volume tab contains information related to your contracted email volume as well as the ability to generate a mail volume report based on a specific timeframe.

Mail Volume Contract Details

Contract Details

The Contract Details outlines the current contract terms for your account. For subclients, this information is inherited from the parent account.

Client Name: Refers to the name of the client associated with the contract. For a subclient, this will display the name of the parent account.

Contract Of: Indicates the contract start and end dates.

Purchased Message: Represents the total email volume as stated in the contract.

Message Balance: Shows the total remaining email volume left in the contracted term.

Exceeded Message: Displays the total number of emails sent over the contracted email volume.

Total Sent: Indicates the total number of emails that have been sent.

Mail Volume Report

Mail Volume Report

The Mail Volume tab also allows you to create a report of the total email volume sent based on a specific time frame.  To create a mail volume report, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the green Report icon next to the date range.
  2. Select your date range from the available options or create a custom date range.
  3. Click Apply to generate the report.

The mail volume report can also be run across all sub-clients for a client.  To run the report for all sub-clients, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the parent account for the client.
  2. Access Client  in the Settings menu.
  3. Click on the Mail Volume tab.
  4. Click on the green Report icon next to the date range.
  5. Select your date range from the available options or create a custom date range.
  6. Check the box next to Sub Client.
  7. Click Apply to generate the report.

The report will generate below the Contract Details box. The mail volume report can be downloaded by clicking the Download Report button.

Custom Mail Volume Report
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