Help Documentation

Web Tracking

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Web Tracking enables you to monitor contact behavior on a configured website and capture that behavior for reporting in iPost. Our Web Tracking functionality not only allows you to track Conversions and Page visits, but also to create a Funnel that injects contacts into a Journey.

How It Works

To track behavior from an iPost email to your website, you must first add a snippet of JavaScript to each page. Enabling Web Tracking on the email activity within iPost will append an iqs parameter to the URLs.

When a contact clicks on a link that lands on the website with the JavaScript snippet, a cookie named "iqs" will be saved. When the contact performs the activity being tracked, the script will send the data back to iPost

Web Tracking Manager

Web Tracking Manager
  1. Add New Website: Click this to configure a website you will be adding the web tracking script to.
  2. Websites: A list of websites that have been added to your account.
  3. Date Time Created: The date and time when the website was added to your account.
  4. Last Script Published: The date and time date  when the tracking script was last published.
  5. Status: The status of the website;  this will be either Draft or Published.
  6. Page Tracking: Turn on page tracking for the site. This will be disabled if Page Tracking is not enabled in your account.
  7. State: Indicates if a website is active; this can be set to either Active or Paused.
  8. Web Tracking: Access a pop-up page provising descriptions of each area of the Web Tracking Manager.
  9. Actions: A drop-down menu with Edit, Delete, or Republish options for the tracking script.
  10. Web Tracking Link Timeout Expiration:  This  automatically defaults to No Expiration. Choosing a value of X days will ensure that Website Tracking Events are not processed X days after an email send.            
  11. Add Web Tracking Links on all links no matter the domain: If enabled, it will add the Website Tracking Blob query string parameter (iqs) to every link in the email regardless of matching a Web Tracking website.            
  12. Enable Web Tracking by default on all sends: If enabled, the Website Tracking checkbox in the sending process will be checked by default.            

Configuring Web Tracking

Add New Website

Before you begin, please know that setting up web tracking requires access to the code of the website in which you are tracking data. You will also need some background in JavaScript. Refer to a Web Developer to make sure all the steps are followed as per specifications.

To configure a Website, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add New Website button.
  2. Enter the website in the Website Name field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If tracking across domains, click the Cross Domain box.
  5. Click Publish.

Publishing your website will generate the web tracking script that should be placed on your site. The script will generate in the Script Loader section of the Script Builder page.  

Web Tracking Example Script

Copy the Script Loader content and add it to your website code (before the end of the </body> tag). Make sure to include the script in all the pages of your website from where you want to track data.

Publishing with Google Tag Manager

To add the Web Tracking script to your website using the Google Tag Manager, follow these steps.

1. In the GTM Workspace, click on Add a new tag.

2. Open Tag Configuration and select the Custom HTML tag type.

3. In the HTML editor, paste in the iPost Web Tracking script.

4. Next select All Pages as the trigger for this Tag.

5. Save the Tag, Submit, and Publish the changes.

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