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Funnels allows you to market to contacts that have begun, are in, or have completed a funnel on your website or application. A funnel is a defined series of pages or flow that a contact must successfully navigate in order to complete an event. For example, a purchase process would typically be broken into the following 2 funnels:

  1.  Cart Abandonment Funnel - Carting product(s) and starting checkout
    1. The following sub-tasks occur:
      1. Contact clicks “Add to Cart” and it loads and displays the items into the shopping cart page (cart.html)
      2. Contact then continues to shop more and/or then navigates to the checkout page (checkout_1.html)
  2. Checkout Funnel – Navigating through the checkout process
    1. The following sub-tasks occur:
      1. Contact navigates to the first page of the checkout process (checkout_1.html) and completes their contact information and billing information
      2. Contact navigates to the second page of the checkout process (checkout_2.html) with confirms their items to purchase and the cart total
      3. Contact navigates to the third page of the checkout process (thankyou.html) and receives a ‘thank you’ for purchase

In both above sceneries it would be advantageous to market to the contact if they started either of the process and did not finish the respective process. When a Contact begins the process by loading the first page and doesn’t make it to the last page, we consider it an abandoned process or abandoned funnel.

iPost enables you to build and publish funnels (define a start page and end page with any corresponding information that would be useful for personalizing the communication sent to the Contact) in the iPost Script Builder sections of Web Tracking. These funnels can then be set as an entrance event in a Funnel Automation and contacts will automatically flow into the Funnel Automation.

iPost Funnels also support single-page websites/processes. Ask your client success manager for more details.

Configuring Funnel Tracking

You first need to have an iPost published Website Tracking Script loaded on your website.  See Web Tracking for more details.

Navigate to the Funnel tab, then click on the Add New Funnel and follow these steps.

  1. Enter the name of your funnel in Funnel Name
  2. Enter the URL of the webpage that the journey will start from in Start Page URL
    1. The options available are:
      1. Equals to
      2. Contains
      3. Begins with
      4. Ends with
    2. The script will track data from the pages with a URL that, respectively: is equal to the inserted string, contains it, begins with it or ends with it.
    3. The script will consider as part of the journey, assigning a status of "Started", all Contacts who land on this page starting from an iPost email.
  3. Enter the URL of the page where the journey will end in End Page URL. The script will mark Contacts who reached this page starting from the Start Page as "Completed".
  4. Configure the Tracking Data that sends to iPost every time a Contact in a Journey changes a page:
Tracking Data Description Data Type Required
Specific HTML content that can be used to populate an email in the Funnel Automation.
Text No
Items Items are items from the web page.  For example, in an Abandon Cart, they are the items in the contact’s cart.
Text No
Details Additional data Text No
The URL of the page the contact is currently on

Once the Funnel Configuration is saved, it is ready to be used in a Funnel Automation.

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