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Conversion Tracking

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Conversion Tracking is used to track orders that originate from an email sent from iPost. It provides detailed information about these orders, such as items ordered, the amount of money spent, and other custom data configured in the conversion tracking script. This script relies on JavaScript tagging and can be used to track other information besides orders, such as form submissions or donations.

How It Works

When the contact reaches the order confirmation page, the iPost JavaScript code checks for the existence and validity of the iqs cookie: if present, the code retrieves any conversion data (a purchase or custom conversion data) and sends it back to iPost, where it will get displayed in the Email Ticket for that send.

Setting Up Conversion Tracking

From the Web Tracking Manager setting for your website, click on the Conversion tab, and then click the Add New Page button.

Conversion Tracking Add New Page

A pop up module will appear with the various fields that will need to be configured in order to track the conversions.

Page Name

The page name is the URL of the page you want to track data from.

The script will track data on pages matching this URL with one of the available options:

  • Equals to: The page is equal to the inserted string.
  • Contains: The page contains some of the designated URL.
  • Begins with: The page begins with the designated URL.
  • Ends with: The page ends with the designated URL.

For example, if the page you want to track conversions from has URL “”, you can select the option “Contains” and in the input box write “conversion_start.html”. 

Conversion Type

There are two types of Conversions that can be tracked: Order or Custom

Order is conversion data associated with an ecommerce order.

Custom conversions are used to track events such as if a form is completed, a video is watched, or a donation is made.


For each tracked element, some JavaScript code needs to be inserted that will extract the desired value from the web page and “return” it.

Special attention should be paid to using a set of functions that will find a unique location on the web page and return its value – unless where an array is specifically requested, in which case a loop will need to be present to collect data for each element of the array.

This type of Tracking data can accept the following elements:

Name Description Data Type Required
OrderId The unique identifier for the order
String Yes
The total amount for the order Decimal Yes

The date of the purchase
Datetime Yes
The total amount before taxes
OrderTax The total tax amount Decimal
The shipping costs Decimal
Indicates if a coupon was used Yes/No
Indicates if the item was on sale Yes/No
The domain of the order
The source for the order
The ID of the Store
Items.Title Name of the Item String Yes
Items.SKU The SKU for the Item String Yes
Items.Price The item price Decimal Yes
Items.Quantity The number of items Integer Yes
Items.Description The product description String
Items.Brand The  name of the brand of the item String
Items.Color The item color String
Items.Size The size of the item String
Items.Additional1 An additional field String

Conversions will be tracked even if the Items object is empty. If present, each order item will need to have a valid value for the 4 required fields within.


This option lets the user track any other type of events happening on the selected page. The two items for each custom variable are: “eventTitle” and “details”.


This is the name of the event you want to track.

return document.getElementById('event_title').innerHTML;
Click to copy

For each event, you can track an array of elements such as their title, quantity and description.

var detailSelector = document.querySelectorAll('.detail');
var detailCount = detailSelector.length;

for(var i=0;i<detailCount;i++) {
 var detailObject = {};
 detailObject.Title = detailSelector[i].querySelector('.Title').innerText;
 detailObject.Quantity = detailSelector[i].querySelector('.Quantity').innerText;
 detailObject.Description = detailSelector[i].querySelector('.Description').innerText;


return details;
Click to copy
Useful Functions


The querySelector() method returns the first element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) in the document.

Click to copy

This will return the first item with class “cartItemPrice”.


The querySelectorAll() method returns all the elements in the document that matches a specified CSS selector.

It is useful to get to a specific location in the web page. Then, you can loop through all elements and extract the value you need to return.

document.querySelectorAll(".section-left div")
Click to copy

The above code will return all the <div> tags within the elements of class “section-left”.

cartArray = document.querySelectorAll(".cartItem")
cartArray.forEach(function (ea, i) {
	price = ea.querySelector(".cartItemPrice");
Click to copy

This will get the elements within the section of class “cartItem” and then loop through it to get the element with class “cartItemPrice”.


The getElementById() method returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value.

The below code will return the element that has id=”cartTable”.

Click to copy

The code returning each value does not need to be written on just one line. It can be written on multiple lines. The only necessary step is “returning” the value at the end of the script.

If you need to customize the process, for example in case of page URLs  don’t change on the different conversion pages, you can refer to the documentation on “Conversion Tracking - Manually triggered”.

Conversion Tracking - Manually Triggered

Our Manually Triggered option allows you to prepare conversion data and have a JS function send it to iPost, to be displayed in the Conversion Tracking data.

This option provides the flexibility to support almost any website, including single-page applications. As conversion data will be manually injected into the iPost Tracking Script, a page does not need to be configured under the conversion tab.

NOTE: Conversion pages are only required if you want to track data when a contact loads a particular page. If you are tracking both manually injected data and discreet pages, Conversion page(s) will need to be added to the Conversion section.

Configuring Your Website To Track Data

Please follow these steps:

  1. Copy the Script Loader content and add it to your website code (before the end of the </body> tag).
  2. Make sure to include the script every page of your website in which you want to track conversion data from.
  3. Our web tracking system allows two types of Conversion data: order and custom.
  4. For each tracking data type, we have defined specific properties (parameters) that you can pass in your manual data object to track.
  5. If you pass some other properties which are not listed in our properties list, then our web tracking system will ignore it and not show them in the reports.
  6. Below is a list of properties that we allow for order and custom type.


var orderObj = {
 conversion: {
    ConversionPage: '', // key and value both are required
    ConversionType: 'order', // key and value both are required
    OrderID: '', // key and value both are required
    OrderGrandTotal: '', // key and value both are required
    OrderDate: ‘’, // key and value both are required
    OrderSource: ‘’,
    OrderStoreId: ‘’,
    OrderSubTotal: '',
    OrderTax: '',
    orderShipping: '',
    CouponUsed: '',
    OnSale: '',
    OrderDomain: '',
    Items: [ // the Items object is optional, but if present, the required fields below will need to be passed
        Title: '', // key and value both are required
        Sku: '', // key and value both are required
        Price: '', // key and value both are required - unit price for product
        Quantity: '', // key and value both are required
        Description: '',
        Categories: '',
        Brand: '',
        Color: '',
        Tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'],
        Collection: ['Collection1', 'Collection3', 'Collection3'],
        Variant: ''
        Title: '', // key and value both are required
        Sku: '', // key and value both are required
        Price: '', // key and value both are required - unit price for product
        Quantity: '', // key and value both are required
        Description: '',
        Categories: '',
        Brand: '',
        Color: '',
        Tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'],
        Collection: ['Collection1', 'Collection3', 'Collection3'],
        Variant: ''
Click to copy


var customObj = {
   conversion: {
            ConversionPage: '', // key and value both are required
            ConversionType: 'custom', // key and value both are required
            EventTitle: '', // key and value both are required
            ConversionDate: ‘’, // key and value both are required
            Details: [
                                    Title: '', // key and value both are required
                                    Quantity: '',
                                    Description: ''                },
                                    Title: '', // key and value both are required
                                    Quantity: '',
                                    Description: ''
Click to copy


  • Key name should always be the same.
  • URL encoding should be used when passing URLs.

Tracking Data

After creating the objects, they will need to be sent to iPost, using the "send" function, as in the examples below:

  • Order data:
    • window.iPostAnalytic.send(orderObj);   
  • Custom Data:
    • window.iPostAnalytic.send(customObj);

You can add them inside any event (button click, form submit, ajax call etc.).

You can also, at any point, run this command in the browser console log, to check if the data is being sent to iPost and the response received from it:

  • window.iPostAnalytic;
Conversion Tracking on Shopify

Follow the steps below to configure conversion tracking for Shopify.

1. Log into your Shopify admin account

2. Go to the Themes page and select Edit code to edit the theme currently being used:

3. Click on each layout element to open and edit it:

4. In each of these pages, insert the “Script Loader” JavaScript code right before the end of </body> closing HTML tag.

 5. After saving the pages, go to Settings:

6. Click on Checkout

7. In the Order processing section and in the text box under Additional scripts, insert the “Script Loader” JavaScript code.

8. After inserting the code above, insert the code displayed below in the same box.

var today = new Date();
var orderObj = {
               ConversionPage: 'thankyou',
               ConversionType: 'order',
               OrderID: '{{ order.order_number }}',
               OrderGrandTotal: '{{ order.total_price | money_without_currency  }}',
               OrderDate: today,
               OrderSource: '',
               OrderStoreId: '{{ }}',
               OrderSubTotal: '{{ order.subtotal_price | money_without_currency  }}',
               OrderTax: '{{ order.tax_price | money_without_currency  }}',
               orderShipping: '{{ order.shipping_price | money_without_currency  }}',
               CouponUsed: '{% if order.discounts %}true{% endif %}',
               OnSale: '',
               OrderDomain: '',
               Items: [
                              {% for item in order.line_items %}
                                             Title: '{{ item.title }}',
                                             Sku: '{{ item.sku }}',
                                             Price: '{{ item.price | money_without_currency  }}',
                                             Quantity: '{{ item.quantity }}'
                              {% endfor %}
window.onload = function(e){
Click to copy

9. Save the edits on this page

You are now set and can start sending emails. Be sure to remember to enable Web Tracking in the send configuration.

Please contact iPost Support If you want additional data sent to iPost.

List of Errors

If you had a successful conversion, but you still don't see it appear in the UI in the next few minutes, here is a spreadsheet with the list of possible errors:

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